Are Eyelash Extensions safe for Pregnant Women?

Are eyelash extensions safe for pregnant women….the short answer is yes. Lashes are safe for both mama and baby to be. There are a few things that a pregnant women looking to get eyelash extensions should know before having them done and also what to look for when selecting a studio.

99.9% of eyelash extension adhesive out there has formaldehyde in it, most of it is coming in from China where the manufacture is unregulated. Formaldehyde is toxic and can be absorbed into the bloodstream of mama through the thin skin along the eyelid where the extensions are placed.

The eyelash extension industry in Toronto is unregulated so anyone can take a course and start doing lashes from their home. Home based Eyelash Extension Studios are not legal businesses as it is illegal to run an eyelash extension studio from your home unless it is zoned as a beauty business. Because they are illegal and being run from the home there is no one checking to make sure they are following proper disinfection protocol. Eyelash extension studios located in a commercial space have to have a Master Business License and in order to get one the business needs to have a Green pass from the Toronto Health Board similiar to a restaurant. Once the Health Board is aware of the studio they do surprise visits to ensure all protocols are being followed or the business is closed down. If there is no protocol or anyone making sure it’s being followed mama can pick up an infection.

Most eyelash studios are using flat massage type beds that have you lying flat on your back, this can be VERY uncomfortable for a women with a passenger on board, we use recliners to keep mom comfortable .

So here’s what to look for:

  1. Make sure the eyelash extension studio is not home based and located within a commercial space

  2. When booking the appt ask what the post care instructions are, if they tell you to keep them dry for a min of 24 hrs that means there is formaldehyde in the adhesive

  3. ask if you will be lying on a table or seated in a recliner

  4. Keep your eyes peeled: did the artist wash their hands, did they remove their tweezers from a tool bath, make sure the patches used for under the eyes have come from an unopened package.

Hope this helps!


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