Toronto Skin Therapy

Anything good comes with a little bit of effort and the expertise of someone who knows more about it than you do and good skin is no exception. Social Media filters were created for a reason, to create the illusion of great skin. Skin treatments have come a longggggg way over the years, men and women alike are investing in skin products of all sorts. Yes, using great products are a start however they have to penetrate into the skins surface that is prepped to receive them in the way they were developed. Treating yourself to even a basic facial in Toronto is pricey, making most of us put a facial on the back burner. Problem solved: we offer the BEST price point in Toronto for facials all way from a basic facial to micro needling. Our skin therapies are a combination of treatments targeted to address a specific concern like aging skin or Rosacea offering the best treatments for that concern on the market for one affordable price. You can also select a facial service like Dermaplanning a la cart or combine it with another a la cart facial service knowing that you are getting the service done by a certified Medical Esthetician at an incredible price.

Fountain of Youth

Our Fountain of Youth facial is a combination of cleansing, microneedling, dermaplaning and hydrotherapy.

Our Fountain of Youth facial is a combination of cleansing, microneedling, dermaplaning and hydrotherapy. If sold as individual services at other skin studios in Toronto the cost would be close to $700 while we charge $350. Still the same level of service, still done by a medical esthetician but at a much better price point. Our facial room was designed with your comfort in mind, having the service done in a recliner so you are not flat on your back. Cute pics hang from the walls and fluffy clouds hang from the sky to give you something to gaze at while you’re having your facial of choice done.


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